North Cadbury C of E Primary School is a small village school with approximately 12 children in each year group. This means that we always have mixed year group classes. Mixed year group classes do not mean that your child is disadvantaged, in fact we believe it works well and gives many children the opportunity to flourish and grow! What it does mean is that the children may have the same teacher and be in the same classroom for more than one year.
Will your child repeat the same work if they are in the same class again for another year?
We have a two/three year rolling programme whereby we ensure that different themes and areas of the curriculum are covered each year for our children to explore and learn. Children may revisit learning, but this would always be intentional. Our experienced teachers also ensure that there is a clear progression of skills and knowledge for the children year on year.
For this coming academic year we will have a three class structure, with our children being taught in mixed year groups, and for the first time ever in North Cadbury history, all three school classes will be under one roof!
Our class organisation is open to change each year as we always have to adapt to pupil numbers, and the impact that has on staffing.
The beauty of our mixed year group classes is that all our children at North Cadbury C of E Primary School get the opportunity to make friends with the children in older and younger year groups, and this certainly contributes to the wonderful community/family spirit that is clearly felt here.