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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

Lunch Menus

School meals are a great choice for your child. 


The menu is available on ParentPay and meal choices can be booked online. Meals cost £2.60 for children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6), but children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 qualify for Universal Free School Meals so there is no charge.  The deadline for booking meals is the midnight on Sunday, 8 days before the week in question.


If you choose to send your child with a packed lunch, please ensure it is Nut Free.



  • We are a NUT-FREE SCHOOL. It is essential for the health of certain children that NO CHOCOLATE SPREADS such as Nutella are used because they contain nuts.
  • Chocolate bars are not permitted at break time or lunchtime.



