When required our Remote Learning is disseminated via our use of Tapestry, and accompanied by paper packs for those who prefer them.
We also make use of live Teams lessons to encourage engagement and ensure teacher contact, assessment and communication are still able to thrive.
To help parents we also actively check Tapestry and upload anything else that is needed.
Home Learning Ideas & Resources
If you haven't got enough work on Tapestry or just fancy a change, the sites below all offer fantastic additional learning possibilities.
- Kidadl - Don’t be put off by this site being London based as the website is full of exciting learning and home fun for all ages. There is also a daily timetable for celebrity classes
- Sumdog - As a social business this company are giving automatic free access to all of their maths, spelling and grammar resources for the duration of school closures.
- White Rose Maths - This company are preparing free packages for schools who have closed.
- BBC Bitesize - The BBC has announced a raft of changes to help parents with home schooling; daily lessons will be broadcast through televisions and tablets after the Easter holidays. Most parents and teachers know about this but it’s worth reminding everyone to keep going back as it is all completely free and updated regularly.
- Duolingo – A great site for learning a new language. Not only is it free but it also has a very handy app to download.
- 2simple - The creators of Purple Mash and Serial Mash are currently offering schools free access to this great online resource which usually comes at a price.
- Twig Education - Dedicated to science this website is suitable for Primary Children. Twig are offering free access to their online learning materials e.g. videos, activities and worksheets – just signup via their website.
- National Geographic Kids - A great platform and totally free. Online games, resources and competitions too all aimed at primary children. Also, lots of subjects are covered e.g. history, science, geography, English, maths, PSHE and & Art & Design.
- World Geography Games - This free online gaming platform is great for learning geography topics. There are interactive activities on continents, flags, regions, islands, rivers…the list is endless. Just go to the website and enjoy!
- Emile - Free access to all numeracy and literacy resources until at least the end of June with unlimited teacher and pupil accounts. Just go to the website and complete the form.
- Oxford Owl – This is aimed at children 3-11 years and is fee to use. It helps children to learn reading and Maths, there is also tips for parents and over 250 free ebooks.
- The British Museum and Natural History Museum - both have great interactivity through the Google Arts and Culture app.
- First News – First News are offering free access for a limited period of time. This weekly newspaper aims to get children talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way. Perfect for 7-14 years of age.
- Cbeebies - Join a host of different celebrities for a different story each night
https://collins.co.uk/pages/primary (Resources for English, Maths, Science and Geography)
https://www.globalplayer.com/podcasts/42KqAd/ (free subscription)
https://www.wildlifewatch.org.uk/ (lots to do, make and watch)
https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/03/nature-detectives/ (Science activities)
https://blockly.games/ (Computing games that teach learn programming)
https://scratch.mit.edu/ Computing games that teach learn programming)
Help & Advice
StarLine Home Learning Helpline - 0330 313 9162.
Please read on for details of a support network for parents and carers who have concerns or queries about educating their children at home.
StarLine is a new home learning telephone helpline and is now live to support parents and carers nationwide.
A group of partners including David Ross Education Trust, Freshworks, Future Academies, Inspiration Trust, Mumsnet, Oak National Academy, PLMR, StarAcademies, Triple P Positive Parenting Program and United Learning have come together to create and deliver StarLine. Each partner has pledged their people, expertise and resources to support StarLine. This initiative is supported and welcomed by CST and also by the DfE.
StarLine will help parents and carers in the following ways:
- By providing access to a team of qualified teachers, education and parenting experts.
- By focussing on providing practical ideas, support and reassurance.
- By offering tips, techniques and resources to enable parents to give their children the support they need to continue learning while schools are closed.
- By supporting family wellbeing and mental health.
- By covering all phases of education and subjects plus behaviour, pupil wellbeing and SEND.
StarLine is available to parents and carers of pupils from all schools nationwide. Free, confidential advice is available six days a week by phoning the StarLine team on 0330 313 9162.
For more information, visit www.starline.org.uk or follow @StarLineSupport on Twitter.
The team behind StarLine will also be broadcasting a weekly programme on YouTube. In each episode of StarLive, a guest presenter will share practical ideas for home learning. Further details can be found on the StarLine website.