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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’


Our Pupil Premium Report is always reviewed and updated annually in July each year.


Nationally it has been found that this is a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at schools. Please note that whilst this may be the case nationally, it should not stop you from applying for Pupil Premium if you are in need, but know that your child/children does not fall into any/all of these categories. As with everything in life, we are all unique!


1. Attendance and Punctuality


A greater proportion of pupil premium children might require additional support to maintain good attendance above 96% and to also ensure they come to school on time.


2. Passive Attitude towards Learning


A greater proportion of our pupil premium children might require an enhanced curriculum to ensure their learning is not passive.


3. Speech and Language upon entry to school


A greater proportion of our pupil premium children might require speech and language support when they enter school.


4. Parental Involvement


A greater awareness of the expectations of each Key Stage and Year group, and to encourage a partnership in learning, which can sometimes be more difficult with our pupil premium children.


5. Remote Learning/Lockdown


A greater proportion of children in receipt of pupil premium did not engage as fully in school work during lockdown, or periods of remote learning.

Pupil  Premium  funding  was  introduced  by  the  government  in  2012  to  help  schools address issues  in  attainment  linked  to  deprivation.  Pupil premium is calculated using eligibility for Free School Meals as a guide to the potential extent of deprivation within each school’s catchment area. Schools are required to use the funding to help put in place measures designed to raise attainment. We encourage parents to apply for Free School Meals at this school. All children are equal and those who receive Free School Meals are not identified or viewed as different to their peers. Pupil Premium is allocated to this school specifically to support children on FSM or who belong to Service families. Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium will be given additional support to help overcome any barriers to learning. 


Measuring the impact of PPG spending

  • Evaluation will focus on academic gains and how pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the interventions.
  • The school will evaluate the impact on each pupil at the end of every term.
  • The progress made is monitored and discussed at termly Pupil Progress Meetings.


Expected outcomes

  • Accelerated progress
  • Almost all children to achieve their end of year targets
  • Increase in the average point score for free school meals and LAC
  • Improved average progress for free school meals and LAC
  • Meet the statutory targets for Key Stage 1 & 2
  • Year 1 children to pass their Phonics Screening Check
  • Year 4 children to succeed in the new Times Tables tests

