Head Teacher:Mrs Amy Truett
SENCo: Miss Ellie Booth
Office: Mrs Liz Hall-Say
Mrs Hall-Say will deal with all initial enquiries from parents or the community and ensure that they are passed on to the right person.
North Cadbury Church of England Primary School
Cary Road
North Cadbury
BA22 7DE
Telephone: 01963 440420
Email: office@northcadbury.ppat365.org
Chair of Governors: Mr Scott Austin E-mail:office@northcadbury.ppat365.org
Clerk to Governors: Mrs E Hall-Say E-mail: ehall-say@northcadbury.ppat365.org
North Cadbury C of E Primary School is a part of Preston Primary Academy Trust.
PPAT Education (Preston Primary Academy Trust)
The Toose,
Abbey Manor Park,
BA21 3SN,
Tel: 01935 676350
Email: ppat@ppat365.org
A paper copy of any information found on this website is available free of charge from the school office
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