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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

Late/Absence Procedures

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to explain a child’s absence from school. Parents are expected to inform the school on the first morning of a child’s sickness absence, preferably by 9.10am. The school is required to keep attendance records. The total number of absences will be recorded on your child's annual report. This report will also indicate whether or not they are "authorised" by the Head Teacher. Parents are encouraged to take annual holidays during school holidays and in line with Somerset County policy; requests for holidays within term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. If parents choose to take term time holiday, a financial penalty will be payable. A Holiday Request Form should be completed and returned to the school office.
