All parents and staff at North Cadbury C of E Primary School are naturally members of the PTAFA, which exists to promote a sense of community and raise funds for additional school resources and activities. At its AGM each October, a group of volunteers agrees to run the organisation and all parents are encouraged to help and support its functions. The money raised always benefits the children and parents are kept informed about events and how the money raised is spent.
The Parents, Teachers & Friends Association - but, in short anyone who has a link with the school! We are a registered charity with the aim of furthering the education of pupils by providing facilities, equipment and activities not normally provided for within the school budget.
All sorts! We organise big fundraisers such as the Christmas Fair, Summer Fete, Bingo and Discos. We also spend a lot of time serving refreshments at various events throughout the school year.
We meet two or three times a term, but there is no need to come to all the meetings in order to be involved. Meetings are either in the evenings (often at the Catash Inn), or at the end of the school day.
We also meet socially for tea and cake during the school term to try and enable as many as possible to attend. This is always at school (school holidays permitting) and pre-school age children are very welcome too.
If you think you might be able to help in any way at all, please contact the school and a member of the PTAFA will contact you.
Minutes of our meetings are available by request from the school office.