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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’


North Cadbury Local Governing Body 2023-2024


Head Teacher - Lisa Thompson


Deputy Head - Amy Truett


Director Appointed - Colin Johnson


Director Appointed - Janet Montgomery (Chair)


Foundation - Charles Oulton


Foundation - Vacancy


Parent - Kate Fear


Parent - Scott Austin

Welcome to our Governors’ Section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured.


The North Cadbury Primary School local governing board (LGB) is made up of the Head Teacher, a representative from the teaching staff and volunteers from parents and the church community. The local governing board meet three times a year.


The core functions of the governing board are:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


If you would like to contact any member of the Governing Body please do so through the school office.

Minutes of the LGB Meetings for North Cadbury C of E Primary School are always available from the School Office . . . 

Governor Details

Register of Governor Business Interests

Chair of Governors - Mrs Janet Montgomery


I am a resident of North Cadbury and former pupil of the School.  I originally joined the Board as a representative of the Parish Council.  Having retired from the Parish Council I consider my role more as a community Governor whereby I maintain and forge links with the local community whilst at the same time offering advice borne from my experience in the professional world of business.


I have worked in close liaison with the Head Teacher over all school matters and help to facilitate dialogue and the dissemination of information between the School, the Parish and local residents.  


As a Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Town Planner I can assist the School with any property related issues, and am excited to be involved in the process of replacing the almost 50 year old 'temporary' classrooms.  Furthermore, as a Partner in my own business, I have a good working knowledge of both accounts and business and can therefore contribute to the Business Committee.
