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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

β€˜To be the best we can be’


Parking  πŸš— πŸš™ 


There is very limited parking outside the school.


The Catash Inn very kindly allows parents to park in their car park when dropping off and collecting children from school each morning and afternoon. We are also able to use the car park when there is a school event.


Please do not leave your car unattended on the yellow zigzag lines outside school, and under no circumstances leave unattended children in the car. Please also note that staff do not park in the small section between the zigzag lines, and would ask that if you are parking for any length of time, that you also refrain from parking here.


Thank you for your co-operation, it is much appreciated.
