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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

‘To be the best we can be’

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North Cadbury Church of England Primary School

‘To be the best we can be’

Lockdown / Summer Term Gallery

All our photographs go straight home via our online sharing portal Tapestry, but here are a few highlights from the year.

Back Together Again! Our Years 2, 3, 4 & 5 look very happy to be back at school this week. It has been fantastic to have all our children return before the Summer Holidays.

Our lovely Reception Class enjoying some Mindfulness & Yoga . . .

The sunshine is so much more enjoyable when you have beautiful grounds to explore and nice cool shady classrooms to use for learning new skills :0)

Friday 5th June 2020 - World Environment Day ‘Time for Nature’

VE Day Teacup Design Winners - Thank you for all the contributions, it was really difficult to choose!

Candles for Remembrance, God Bless your family and may you Rest in Peace

Reading is a core skill and one of the easiest things to continue at home, so we asked the children to show us their books. It's fair to say that KS1 were far more keen than KS2!

Rainbow Parade - we wanted to say a big THANK YOU to the NHS and all our key workers

Home-schooling, North Cadbury style. What fantastic families and children we have 😊
